Home design trends go in and out of style throughout the decades, but one design trend that has stuck around are carriage garage doors. The style and design of carriage doors has created an endurance with their design with no end in sight for its popularity. Learn some of the reasons why people love carriage garage doors for their exterior home design.
Part of the reason carriage garage doors are so popular is because of their history. The design of the doors reminds people of a bygone era. The carriage style comes from large estates that had their own carriage houses where, as the name suggests, carriages and horses were stored. The function of actual carriage doors used to swing out or slide, but today’s doors are mainly aesthetically designed the same with the regular garage door roll up feature.
Carriage garage doors are insanely popular as far as garage door styles go. According to Door & Access , carriage garage doors account for 19% of residential garage door sales. This number has tripled since carriage doors were introduced as a major garage door style in 2005. Even with this skyrocket in popular, carriage doors provide a unique design for your home’s exterior. Each homeowner can personalize carriage garage door styles for their exact home design. You can create the look of a carriage door many different ways and can custom choose coloring to match your design.
Besides the unique aesthetic and nostalgia that comes with carriage garage doors, the style adds greatly to your curb appeal and home value! Remodeling Magazine has performed a cost vs value report for 2016 based on remodeling items you can do on your home. It is proven that replacing your garage doors can allow you to recoup 75% of your investment back when you sell your home! Curb appeal is an important part of getting the most bang for your buck when you are remodeling or upgrading your home for resale. Adding sought-after carriage style garage doors to your home remodel will attract home buyers and will guarantee a return on your investment when replacing garage doors. Not only do you see a return on investment with carriage garage doors, installing the style costs considerably less than other aesthetic home improvement projects you can do to the interior and exterior of your home.
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