Door Systems, Inc. Donates to Lee’s Summit High School Shelter Project

admin • November 18, 2016

John Payne, vice president of Door Systems, Inc., and Tina Walcutt recently met with the principal of Lee’s Summit High School, John Faulkenberry, to present a check for the shelter project the high school is working on. Door Systems, Inc. heard about the high school outdoor shelter and the many benefits it would bring to teachers, parents, and students in the community and wanted to give back.

The shelter project is in the beginning stages of construction. The 40’ x 60’ shelter will have multiple uses for the high school, including:

  • An Outdoor Classroom
  • Venue for Outdoor Concerts
  • Venue for Parent Meetings and Banquets
  • Gathering Place for Summer Athletes and Teams
  • Tournament Headquarters for Tennis Tournaments
  • Parent Tailgates Before Football Games, Soccer Matches, etc.

The shelter will be located on the Northeast corner of the B building at the Lee’s Summit High School, just northwest of the tennis courts. John Payne in conjunction with his father and owner, Jim Payne, decided to provide a donation to help with the project construction.

Door Systems, Inc. is committed to giving back to the Lee’s Summit community to help develop growth and prosperity for all residents. In the past, Door Systems, Inc. has also donated $5,000 to the Lee’s Summit North High School FACS classes to replace the 20 year old appliances the students were using.

John Payne not only gives back to the community in donations, but also helps local residents by providing expert garage door, door, and window service. He is certified by the International Door Association (IDA) as an expert handler of industrial speed doors, residential garage doors, commercial garage doors, entry doors, storm doors, and windows. He has 22 years of experience with all things doors and windows. Tina Walcutt is also certified in storm and entry doors and is the Door Systems, Inc. window expert with 15 years’ experience in window installation.

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